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Introduction end-to-end analytics on the basis of Google Analytics and OWOX BI.


  1. To implement on the current website a striming of data in OWOX BI and a possibility to create models of attribution by the issued orders.

  2. To deploy the online-analytics system at the new website’s test stand including:

    • striming in OWOX BI

    • Google Enhanced Ecommerce control

    • Import of expenses from advertizing systems

    • Opportunities for maintaining the analysis of advertizing sources’ efficiency by the paid orders, taking into account distribution of value on all channels, taking part in the order.

End-to-end analytics
80 000 .

Our advantages

17-летний <strong>опыт</strong> создания и сопровождения сайтов.
Выполнено более 550 проектов.

17-year-old experience creating and maintaining websites. More than 550 projects have been completed.

Мы <strong>умеем анализировать данные</strong> и выстраивать отчёты сквозной аналитики.

We know how to analyze data and build reports of end-to-end analytics.

<strong>Мы надёжны.</strong> Наши партнёры с нами более 5 лет.

We are reliable. Our partners are with us for more than 5 years.

Обучение работе с системой

The training system

Мы компетентны. В нашем штате более 20 специалистов.

We are competent. In RuSoft there are more than 20 experts.

Более 20 успешных проектов по аналитике и цифровой рекламе для ведущих брендов.

More than 20 successful projects on analytics and digital advertizing for the leading brands.

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